Title: Road-schooler
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2008
Length: 44min
Director, Writer, Producer: Bora Lee-Kil
Cinematographer: Bora Lee-Kil, Namhwa Hong
Synopsis: A documentary on the teenagers who boldly challenge the educational system and this era that promote so-called ‘limitless competition’ from elementary schools. The director rejected the educational system herself and deliberates on alternative education. She makes up a new vocabulary, ‘Road-schooler’, to represent the teenagers who deny the names such as home-schoolers or school-quitters and learn on the road about life itself. Program Note A documentary on teenagers who boldly challenge the educational system and contemporary times that promote so-called ‘limitless competition’ from elementary schools. The director rejected the educational system herself and reflects upon alternative education. She coins a new phrase, ‘Road-schooler’, that refers to teenagers who reject terms such as home-schoolers or schoolquitters and learn on the road about life itself. This is a breath of fresh air despite the very competitive Korean educational reality that meets these teenagers who choose their own education. (Jay SOHN)
Screening & Awards (Selected):
2008 The 8th Korea Youth Media Festival, Korea – Competition, Audience Award
2008 The Daejeon Independent Film Festival, Korea - Third Prize
2009 The 11th Seoul International Women’s Film Festival, Korea
2009 The Greatest Short Film Festival KT&G Sangsangmadang, Korea
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2008
Length: 44min
Director, Writer, Producer: Bora Lee-Kil
Cinematographer: Bora Lee-Kil, Namhwa Hong
Synopsis: A documentary on the teenagers who boldly challenge the educational system and this era that promote so-called ‘limitless competition’ from elementary schools. The director rejected the educational system herself and deliberates on alternative education. She makes up a new vocabulary, ‘Road-schooler’, to represent the teenagers who deny the names such as home-schoolers or school-quitters and learn on the road about life itself. Program Note A documentary on teenagers who boldly challenge the educational system and contemporary times that promote so-called ‘limitless competition’ from elementary schools. The director rejected the educational system herself and reflects upon alternative education. She coins a new phrase, ‘Road-schooler’, that refers to teenagers who reject terms such as home-schoolers or schoolquitters and learn on the road about life itself. This is a breath of fresh air despite the very competitive Korean educational reality that meets these teenagers who choose their own education. (Jay SOHN)
Screening & Awards (Selected):
2008 The 8th Korea Youth Media Festival, Korea – Competition, Audience Award
2008 The Daejeon Independent Film Festival, Korea - Third Prize
2009 The 11th Seoul International Women’s Film Festival, Korea
2009 The Greatest Short Film Festival KT&G Sangsangmadang, Korea