Title: Untold (A War of Memories)
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2018
Length: 79min
Director, Writer: Bora Lee-Kil
Producer: Saerom Suh, Sona JO
Cinematographer: Sojin Kwak
Logline: Untold is a story about two different memories on civilian massacre during the Vietnam War: memories of Korean soldier and Vietnamese victims.
Screening & Awards (Selected):
2018 The 23rd Busan International Film Festival, Korea - Juror's Special mention, BIFF Mecenat Award
2019 The 21st International Women's Film Festival in Seoul, Korea
2019 The 20th Persons with Disabilities Film Festival, Korea - PDFF Competition, The Excellence Award
︎ Official Website (Eng/Kor/Viet)
︎ Official Website (Jap)
︎ Watch Online (Eng)
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2018
Length: 79min
Director, Writer: Bora Lee-Kil
Producer: Saerom Suh, Sona JO
Cinematographer: Sojin Kwak
Logline: Untold is a story about two different memories on civilian massacre during the Vietnam War: memories of Korean soldier and Vietnamese victims.
Screening & Awards (Selected):
2018 The 23rd Busan International Film Festival, Korea - Juror's Special mention, BIFF Mecenat Award
2019 The 21st International Women's Film Festival in Seoul, Korea
2019 The 20th Persons with Disabilities Film Festival, Korea - PDFF Competition, The Excellence Award
2020 The Red Awards, Korea - Award for Notable solidarity
2020 Society for East Asain Anthropology, USA - David Plath Media Award
2020 Theatrical released in Korea
2020 Society for East Asain Anthropology, USA - David Plath Media Award
2020 Theatrical released in Korea
2021 Theatrical released in Japan
︎ Official Website (Eng/Kor/Viet)
︎ Official Website (Jap)
︎ Watch Online (Eng)